February 21, 2014

I Love You! Psych!

I will never understand how love and tragedy are synonymous with a great romantic love story. I will admit when I became a fan of PLL (Pretty Little Liars for those that don't know)I adored the trysts between Ezra and Aria. However, as the seasons progressed and I realized Ezra had the sin of omitting, I knew something was a bit off about Aria's Prince Charming.

I finished watching Monday's episode of PLL and  I have to say I am still in a state of shock. Ezra has no soul. How can you manipulate an innocent teenager for a true crime novel? I gasped as I watched his truth unfold in front of Aria. He had the audacity to alleviate the situation  by professing his wacky love for her.  This deranged adult actually uttered 'love' in the midst of this tear-jerking discovery.

There are times in which fiction translates to reality. There are men and women who have played the role of an Ezra Fitz and there are men and women who have played the role of an Aria Montgomery. They are in this never ending cycle explaining an unattainable love and partnered with destiny destroyers. There are men and women who date for sole benefits as opposed to encouraging a shared beneficial relationship. Consider the grief of knowing you are far from the protagonist in your boyfriend's book, a man who wooes you daily, actually has a fanatic obsession with your supposedly deceased friend. No leading role, no happy ending, just a guinea pig for research. How do you contain yourself without exploding in a fit of anger? Has the question been finally answered, is Ezra really 'A'? Or is he just one of the many men who should be jailed for child abuse? I need answers for Aria.

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